The Power of Mac
Low End Mac is pleased to have Eric Schwarz as a columnist. Eric has quite a bit of older Macs, including an SE, a Power Mac 7200, and a PPC-upgraded PowerBook 540c. His main computer is an iBook 600 with a 12" screen - running OS X, of course.
Eric also runs the SchwarzTech website at <>.
- TextEdit, a hidden powerhouse that comes free with OS X, 2003.03.26. Although easily overlooked, TextEdit could be all the word processing software a lot of Mac users ever need.
- Whether you call it AirPort, WiFi, or 802.11 wireless networking, your portable should have it, 2003.03.19. With more wireless hot spots popping up, there are more reasons to have an AirPort card in your 'Book every day.
- Are older Macs lower than low end?, 2003.03.14. Are low-end Mac users finding happiness with newer low-end Mac?
- Back to school software, 2002 edition, 2002.08.01. Practical software for students (and others) using Mac OS X.
- iWhining about Jaguar, .mac fees, 2002.07.24. More thoughts on the value of Jaguar (OS X 10.2) and Apple's .mac services.
- The Mac curmudgeon returns, 2002.07.22. Jaguar overpriced for X users, and .mac undermines my faith in Apple.
- The Expo, new products, and rumor sites, 2002.07.15. Thoughts on rumor sites, Apple new product announcements, and this week's Macworld Expo.
- Apple ad nauseam, 2002.06.27. "Real People" is a start, but Apple needs to do more to convince Windows users to switch.
- Mac OS X AIM client shootout, 2002.06.13. AIM, Fire, Proteus, or Adium: Which is the best messaging client for OS X users?
- Macs don't die, they get upgraded, 2002.05.29. A dead printer means a new one, and that means a USB card for the old Power Mac.
- Tempting new iBooks?, 2002.05.21. Mostly improved, but with one step backwards. But is it worth stepping up from an older iceBook?
- Last week in review, 2002.05.06. The eMac, TiBook updated, deals on iPod and DVI-to-ADC adapter, the H-Paq merger, and other topics.
- When is a hoax not a hoax?, 2002.04.24. Thoughts on Mac-related hoaxes, rumors, parodies, and pranks on the Web.
- What is it about Macs?, 2002.04.23. Do Apple computers really promote "Godless Darwinism and Communism?"
- Old and new, 2002.04.11. A comparison with Mac from eight years ago - everything old is new again.
- I'm not moving to GS/OS!, 2002.04.01. I think I'm going to stick with ProDOS for a few reasons.
- OS X a superb successor, 2002.03.26. Not finished yet, OS X is a superb successor to the old Mac OS.
- My iBook, part 3, 2002.03.14. A week with the new iMac finds it a great value with a few flaws.
- My iBook, part 2, 2002.03.08. First impressions of the new iBook and OS X are very favorable.
- My iBook, part 1, 2002.03.06. Anticipation - waiting for FedEx to deliver a new iBook ordered from the Apple Store.
- I shall call it Mini Mac!, 2002.02.19. The Palm as a Mac-like personal digital assistant.
- Dumping Dr. Evil's junk, 2002.02.06. Living without Microsoft, one application at a time.
- Music on the Mac made easy, 2002.01.22. How to create and move audio files between your Mac and your stereo.
- That 80s Mac, 2002.01.16. A look back at the compact b&w Macs of the 1980s, from the first Mac through the SE/30.
- PowerBook deathmatch, 2001.10.18. The author's PPC-upgraded 540c vs. a friend's 5300cs - which is the better machine?
- Back in the day, 2001.10.04. Ten great things about older Macs, and how to give your Mac a retro appearance.
- The Mac's little friend, 2001.09.27. Texas Instruments graphing calculators as PDAs and Mac peripherals.
- Was I ready to write about OS X?, 2001.09.21. Yesterday's article was under-researched, as several readers pointed out.
- Is OS X ready for me?, 2001.09.20. OS X 10.0.4 isn't quite ready for prime time. Ten ways to improve it.
- Why can't we be friends?, 2001.09.13. A student's response to Tuesday's terrorist attacks.
- Apple's anniversaries, 2001.08.30. Milestones in Apple and Macintosh history.
- Back to school games, 2001.08.23. Seven low-end Mac games that have stood the test of time.
- Back to school software, 2001.08.16. The ten most useful back to school programs for older Macs.
- Back to school 'Books, 2001.08.09. Inexpensive solutions for students who need or want portability.
- The best way to prevent laptop theft, 2001.08.02. Low-end solutions to keeping your PowerBook from being stolen.
- What to do with your old Power Mac, 2001.07.26. Five things you might want to do with your old first generation Power Mac.
- Is Apple to blame or not?, 2001.07.24. Looking back at the Expo - do we really need new designs?
- iBook-ifying older Macs, 2001.07.12. Updating the appearance of an older PowerBook or desktop Mac.
- Would Apple have thought different in 1983?, 2001.06.22. Fiction: What if the original Macintosh design team had seen a slot-loading iMac?
- Why I use a Mac, 2001.06.14. Our newest columnist explains his love affair with the Mac.
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