Taking Back the Market
Tim Nash is a Director of WattWenn which has a new approach to scheduling the production of TV and movies to make the most of budgets. The views in this article are his own and are prejudiced from spending more years working for computer companies than he cares to remember.
Tim lives with his wife, her website on the area ariege.com, two daughters, a cat, and a dog in the French Pyrenees. He lapsed for a while after the Apple II, but became a Mac fan when his wife introduced him to the Macintosh IIsi.
- Google Has Lost Control of Android, 2012.12.04. The Android market is fragmented, Samsung is keeping its options open, China is leery of Google, Kindle Fire doesn't benefit Google, and iOS owns the tablet market.
- Succeeding Steve Jobs at Apple: The Moneyball Approach, 2011.08.25. Repost from 2009: Steve Jobs saved Apple and has a great team in place. It may never be necessary for him to come back as CEO.
- Not Even the Numbers Look Good for Android, 2011.08.19. Android makes a big deal out of 500,000 activations per day, but success makes Android a big target.
- In an iPad World, Intel Could Displace ARM with a New CPU, 2011.05.31. With Windows and x86 in decline and the handheld market exploding, a whole new Intel CPU optimized for tablets and smartphones could create a bright future.
- In an iPad World, How Long Before Microsoft's Post-PC Collapse?, 2011.04.29. Microsoft is losing share on PCs, Internet Explorer is losing share on the Net, and Microsoft doesn't have a strong foothold in tablets or smartphones. Can it survive?
- Why I Expect a 7" iPad in September, 2011.02.18. Whether Apple markets it as a smaller iPad or a larger iPod touch, the 7" size makes too much sense to ignore.
- Is This the End for Steve Ballmer?, 2010.09.28. PC sales are declining as Macs, iPads, and Android tablets grow market share. With Windows market share slipping, can Steve Ballmer survive much longer?
- 6G iPod nano: An Apple Marketing Misstep?, 2010.09.14. The 2010 Nano has less features, no more memory, and the same price as last year's model. Has Apple made a big mistake?
- Did Apple Just Double Its Market Share?, 2010.07.26. If we consider the iPad to be a tablet computer (rather than a media tablet), Apple has just doubled its market share.
- FaceTime Will Reduce the Cost of Staying in Touch, 2010.07.22. With practically free video calling over WiFi, all Apple needs to do is expand the base of FaceTime users for it to take off.
- Has Google Already Lost the Mobile War?, 2010.06.24. Apple has locked AdMob out of iOS 4, and manufacturers are already fragmenting the Android market.
- Apple Could Sell 100 Million OS X Devices This Year, 2010.05.20. The iPad had a successful launch, the iPhone could double sales year-over-year, and the Mac market continues to grow.
- Has Verizon Lost Its iPhone Gamble?, 2010.04.28. Verizon rejected the iPhone when Apple first offered it, and it now seems unlikely that Apple will ever make an iPhone compatible with Verizon's network.
- Apple vs. HTC Will Delay iPad Competitors, 2010.03.09. By filing suit against HTC, Apple may slow adoption of the Android platform while giving Windows 7 Mobile an unexpected boost.
- How Apple Could Sell 100 Million OS X Machines in 2010, 2010.02.15. All Apple has to do is sell 15 million Macs, 50 million iPhones, 25 million iPod touches, and 10 million iPads.
- Touch Shifts the Apple Empire, 2010.02.05. Apple dominates mobile computing, and it will be difficult for competitors to match the value of the iPad.
- Apple Will Become Bigger than Microsoft in 2010, 2010.01.15. The handwriting is on the wall: Apple is growing while Microsoft is in decline.
- Developer Dreams, the App Store, and Apple, 2009.11.30. The iPhone App Store may not work as quickly as developers would like, but it's an essential component to Apple's iPhone success.
- No Verizon iPhone Any Time Soon, but Verizon May Have Another Apple Opportunity, 2009.10.23. Put simply, the iPhone is a GSM device that Apple would have to re-engineer for Verizon's CDMA network. But Apple's tablet could benefit from Verizon's 3G network.
- How Apple Will Beat Sony and Nintendo in Handheld Gaming, 2009.10.16. The iPhone platform has more users than Sony's PSP, and it will pass Nintendo's DS platform within two years.
- Palm Pre: Cutting Off Business Customers, 2009.10.05. Palm contines to shoot itself in the foot by making the Pre increasingly unattractive to business users.
- Competing Visions: Apple, AT&T, Google, the FCC, and Google Voice, 2009.09.03. Apple wants to sell hardware, Google wants to sell advertising, and AT&T wants to sell you minutes. Some conflict is inevitable.
- 2010 Will Be the Year of the iPod touch, 2009.08.21. The traditional iPod market is declining, but a low-end iPod touch could make Apple a major player in the handheld gaming market, among other.
- FCC Investigation of Apple's Google Voice Rejection Could Become a Political Mess, 2009.08.14. The FCC is overstepping its authority, which could lead to a serious backlash against the Democratic party and the President.
- iPhone Platform Takes Over from the Mac, 2009.07.31. With 45 million users, the iPhone/iPod touch platform is bigger than the Mac platform - and more profitable.
- The Microsoft Model Isn't Working for Smartphones, 2009.07.07. Already in fourth place in the smartphone market, Windows Mobile is outdated and simply isn't attracting the developers needed to grow the platform.
- Palm Pre: Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Part 2, 2009.06.18. The Pre has had launch problems, production problems, and needs to carve a niche against established competitors. Don't hold your breath.
- Could iPods Become the Next Hearing Aids?, 2009.05.19. Baby Boomers have reached the age where hearing loss is a growing problem, and iPods don't have the stigma that hearing aids do.
- How Apple Can Kill Off $1.29 iTunes Tracks, 2009.04.14. Raising the price of popular tracks from 99¢ to $1.29 has already reduced their popularity.
- How Apple Could Change the Face of Digital Music, 2009.04.02. Internet radio is a great way to try out new music, but what do you listen to when you're away from the Net? How about podcasts designed to showcase different kinds of music.
- Palm Pre: Chronicle of a Death Foretold, 2009.03.10. Palm is betting the company on Pre and running out of cash. Can Palm survive in the face of the iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android?
- High Def iPhone and iPod touch Could Make OS X the Mobile OS to Rule them All, 2009.03.02. By introducing iPhone and iPod touch models with higher definition displays, Apple could also slash the price of existing models.
- ARM Netbooks Could Make OS X the Mobile OS to Rule Them All, 2009.02.24. ARM netbooks won't run Vista, leaving things wide open for Linux, Android, and Apple to create new markets.
- Getting More Macs in the Workplace Despite the Recession, 2009.02.09. Although Windows is entrenched and IT is slow to change, the reduced costs and increased productivity of letting employees use their own computers a work could change the balance.
- Succeeding Steve Jobs at Apple: The Moneyball Approach, 2009.01.21. Steve Jobs saved Apple and has a great team in place. It may never be necessary for him to come back as CEO.
- Apple Retail Visit Numbers Are Dropping, 2009.01.13. Foot traffic is down everywhere, but Apple is uniquely positioned to build its numbers.
- How Netbooks Impact Microsoft and Apple, 2009.01.07. Netbooks are keeping Windows XP alive, which may slow adoption of Windows 7, and perceived value keeps the Mac market share growing at the expense of Windows.
- The iPod touch Will Outsell the iPhone, 2008.12.23. Analysts predicted weak iPod sales, but the iPod touch is taking off. Here's why it's a great alternative to the iPhone for a lot of people.
- Using a Different Kind of Keynote Address to Drive Apple Retail Sales, 2008.12.19. Apple won't be exhibiting at Macworld after January 2009, but it could harness the power of a Steve Jobs keynote in a different way.
- 50 Million OS X Users and Counting, 2008.12.16. When you add up all the Mac users, the iPhone users, and the iPod touch users, there could easily be 50 million OS X users by year-end.
- How Apple Retail Can Profit from the Recession, 2008.12.04. "Apple has a larger cash mountain than any of its competitors in retail, and with the right kind of investments will come out of the recession stronger than ever."
- Apple Retail Will Break Records This Christmas, 2008.11.26. "Despite all the economic problems, Apple Retail can look forward to another successful quarter with sales maybe breaking through $2 billion...."
- Apple Rewrites the Rules for Games, 2008.11.13. With the iPhone/iPod touch and the online App Store, Apple has created a market for low cost games that has other platforms worried.
- Windows Mobile, the First Sign of Microsoft's Retreat?, 2008.11.04. Windows Mobile has fallen behind the iPhone and Blackberry, version 7 has been delayed, and Vista's failings are giving Windows users a reason to consider alternatives.
- Does the Android G1, Doomed as an iPhone Killer, Dream of Electric Sheep?, 2008.10.29. "All Google wants is that Android is seen as better than Windows Mobile. Manufacturers and carriers unable to sell the iPhone need an alternative."
- Apple's New Production Technology: Is It Worth It?, 2008.10.27. Carving MacBook bodies from a block of aluminum simplifies production, increases assembly automation, and gives Apple a leg up on the competition.
- Death of the iPod 'Way Off in the Future', 2008.10.14. Someday Apple will decide that the iPod is no longer profitable and discontinue it, "but that day looks to be way off in the future."
- Will Apple's iPhone/App Store Tornado Blow Away the Competition?, 2008.10.08. The iPod, iTunes, and the iTunes Store paved the way for the success of the iPhone and the App Store - and nobody can match that.
- The Unwritten Rule Behind Apple's App Store Rejections, 2008.10.02. "If you want to work with someone, don't attack or try to take over part of what they think of as theirs."
- Is Apple's Insider Selling Market Driven?, 2002.05.17. Why are so many Apple executives unloading AAPL stock these days?
- Scramble Saves Apple, 2002.04.19. One successful financial quarter should pave the way for another.
- The March on Redmond, 2002.04.01. "At the start, it looked like a parade. Children were twirling gaily colored one-button mice...."
- Is Apple's insider selling market driven?, 2002.05.17. Why are so many Apple executives unloading AAPL stock these days?
- Scramble saves Apple, 2002.04.19. One successful financial quarter should pave the way for another.
- The March on Redmond, 2002.04.01. "At the start, it looked like a parade. Children were twirling gaily colored one-button mice...."
- The Macworld bonus, 2002.03.29. Apple's announcements at Macworld Tokyo should mostly encourage investors, Mac users.
- Time to update the iPod?, 2002.03.04. Increased capacity and new markets can grow the iPod's market share as USB 2.0 begins to compete with FireWire speed.
- OS X: Apple's opportunity, 2002.02.22. Mac OS X gives Apple a perfect opportunity to enter the business market.
- Back to business: Wintel problems, 2002.02.08. Apple's opportunities created by Windows insecurity, Intel's 64-bit plans.
- OS X: How fast the future?, 2002.01.25. How Apple will move OS X past the early adopter phase and make it the dominant Mac OS.
- Poor first quarter, but prospects look better, 2002.01.18. Apple had a small profit last quarter, but future prospects are very good.
- The new order, 2002.01.11. New iMacs, a new iBook, a new application, and a new default OS shape the new order.
- Apple's retail grab: The future, 2002.01.04. The economics and deployment of Apple's retail store strategy.
- Apple's retail grab: Crunch time, 2001.12.21. The importance of Apple retail stores and Apple staff in chain stores.
- Apple's retail grab: What risk?, 2001.12.14. Why Apple's retail stores shouldn't be compared with Gateway's failures, and what Apple can gain from a strong retail presence.
Elsewhere on Low End Mac
- Converting Windows users with the iPod, My Turn, 2001.11.26. How Apple could use the iPod to grow Mac market share.
- iPod: More than an MP3 player, My Turn, 2001.11.05. The market for the iPod could be much broader than that of a simple MP3 player.
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