Charles Moore's Mailbag
Mac 512Ke Server, Classic Eudora and Snow Leopard, Danger of Nonstandard Optical Discs, and More
Charles Moore - 2010.09.23 - Tip Jar
- Mac 512Ke Server
- Moving Files from a Dead iMac G5 to a New iMac
- Classic Eudora, Snow Leopard, and Rosetta Improvements
- Trials and Tribulations with Zip 100 Plus and a Mac SE
- Nonstandard Optical Discs Can Damage Your Mac
- iBook: Motorola or Intel CPU?
Mac 512Ke Server
From Niles:
Enjoy reading your articles on LEM! Just wanted to tell you that I figured out how to get a Mac 512Ke to serve files on a modern network. I was able to serve to Snow Leopard, as well as iPads, iPhones, and more.
There are some videos on the main page and longer documentation on the Details tab at the top.
What we thought we knew about a Mac 512Ke needs to change! :)
Keep up the good work!
Editor's note: Niles also has an excellent page on Macs, AppleTalk, and FTP, which explains his need to use a LocalTalk Bridge (on a Mac that supports both LocalTalk and ethernet) and a couple apps - EasyShare on the 512Ke and Rumpus on his WallStreet PowerBook bridge computer (download link for Rumpus Classic) -
Hi Niles,
You too!
Congratulations on your achievement.
Cool to see that old System 6 Desktop again.
System 4.1 Desktop! :)
Hi Niles,
I stand corrected. ;-)
Even more impressive.
System 4.1 is before my time. I came in at System 6.1 on a used Mac Plus.
Moving Files from a Dead iMac G5 to a New iMac
From Bill:
I dragged my ailing G5 iMac into the local Mac store this morning. Very nice and knowledgeable guy pulled the cover off to reveal 3 or 4 burst capacitors (I think he called them), cylindrical little towers coming up from the motherboard. The hard drive was just fine. No charge diagnosis.
Any advice who to shop with for a recent refurb replacement? Features to shop for?
Hi Bill,
Sorry to hear the bad news.
My recommendation would be a refurb from Apple's online store. My last two systems have been Apple Certified Refurbished units, and they've been excellent performers - both still going strong. You get the same warranty and AppleCare eligibility as with a new machine.
Hard to argue with the iMac for value in a desktop machine. I still prefer laptops, but that big iMac screen is enticing. The Mac mini is very cool, but you have to buy a separate monitor. Your keyboard and mouse from the dead iMac would be fine though.
I have ordered an iMac refurb from Apple Canada, and it has shipped.
Now I am wondering how I will be able to connect to my old hard drive, short of popping it into the new unit and backing up some current stuff to the backup drive.
There has to be a better way; not sure I can connect externally . . . but I would be wary of messing with the guts of the newbie.
Suggestions? I suppose it's obvious, but the obvious eludes me at present.
Hi Bill,
You need an external hard drive case to put your old drive in. There are a vast variety of these available from various vendors. You need one that will accept a 3.5" SATA hard drive. Just pull the drive from the deceased iMac, install it in the enclosure, and your old internal hard drive becomes an external hard drive with whatever connectivity the particular enclosure unit you buy supports.
Since you're in Canada, Tiger Direct Canada lists a bunch of them.
Alternatively, another (not necessarily cheaper) solution is a drive connector kit (needs no enclosure - just hook up the drive bare). OWC NewerTech has a good one that supports both SATA and IDE/ATA. ( is a Canadian source.)
Classic Eudora, Snow Leopard, and Rosetta Improvements
From Aaron:
Thanks for your August article on MailForge and Eudora. Like you, I have been checking in on MailForge for some time now - too long, as far as I'm concerned - and also had serious problems with Eudora starting with OS X 10.4 Tiger. But unlike you, I stuck with Eudora anyway, so I'm in a position to give you some welcome news.
The problems with Eudora and OS X were due to bugs in Rosetta,* which I'm sure you know is OS X's translator of PowerPC code. These bugs were fixed in a Snow Leopard update. I think it was around late spring. Since that time, Eudora has been working almost perfectly. And not only Eudora, but also Word 2004 and FileMaker 7, two other old favorites I've been reluctant to give up. In fact, this is one of the main reasons I finally moved from Leopard to Snow Leopard - to fix all these apps.
Obviously, Eudora is behind other mail programs in a number of areas and will remain so. But what it does, it now again does brilliantly. Unless something better comes along, I expect to be using it for years to come.
* Editor's note: Rosetta was introduced with the first version of OS X to run on Intel-based Macs and makes it possible for them to run Mac software written for PowerPC CPUs. Rosetta saw a significant performance improvement with OS X 10.4.8, and I'm sure Apple has been tweaking it ever since. dk
Hi Aaron,
That is indeed fascinating news. I have to admit that I've never really experimented with Eudora Classic in Snow Leopard, other than to start it up from time to time to access message archives.
I'm delighted to hear that it is working well for you in Snow Leopard. Personally, I'm still using OS X 10.5 Leopard as my "daily driver" system, as I have found 10.6 buggy - and it makes my MacBook run hotter than 10.5, more often hitting the tipping point between silence and cooling fan drone.
My guess, however, is that Classic Eudora's days are numbered whatever. I hope Rosetta support will be maintained in OS X 10.7, but it won't totally surprise me if it isn't, and if that turns out to be the case, it will be a major adjustment for many of us.
Having now been pretty much transitioned to Eudora OSE/Thunderbird for over a year now, I don't think I would be inclined to go back to the classic application, given its likely short compatibility future, although I completely understand your resolve to carry on as long as possible. I still use it on my Tiger machines.
Trials and Tribulations with Zip 100 Plus and a Mac SE
From Troy, following up on Looking for a SCSI-to-Ethernet Adapter:
Hi Charles.
Thanks for your help concerning my old SE and getting it online! Well, I have given up on getting the SE online - the hardware is just not available at the current time in my area. As a reminder - I have a 2009 Intel iMac as the main machine and a 2010 MacBook Pro.
I wanted to use a Zip 100 Plus as a backup drive for the SE, in case the antique hard drive decides to fail. I have such an item that appears to work well, a bunch of Zip disks as well. A good idea, or so I thought.
Now this Zip 100 drive does not have a terminator switch; I believe it has a terminator built in. [Editor's note: The Zip Plus has automatic termination.]
The problem - I do not have the 800K disks that would contain the software driver to install the support onto System 6.0.1. I can download it, but that is useless, as I have no 800 KB floppy drive and the SE does not have Internet access or CD-ROM capabilities. I cannot get them onto the SE, and, of course, without even the basic extension the drive cannot be seen by Finder.
Know of anyone who would be willing to send such a beast my way? I would of course pay for the cost of mailing and the floppies as long as it is reasonable.
Hi Troy,
Thought I might still have some blank ones, but a search turned up only 1.4M HD disks and some indeterminate ones.
There must be some 800K floppies out there somewhere.
If anyone can help Troy out, let me know and I'll forward your communication.
Nonstandard Optical Discs Can Damage Your Mac
From Kurt in response to Using Nonstandard Optical Discs with Your Mac:
Howdy, Charles!
There is one more thing to consider:
Inserting a nonstandard-sized or-shaped disc into a drive that is not designed to accommodate it may damage the drive. Some slot-loading drives may be able to accommodate 80 mm round discs, but their use is not supported and any damage caused will not be covered under your Apple warranty or applicable extended service contract.
Something to consider before sticking that nonstandard disc into one's brand new shiny Mac with the slot-loading optical drive.
This article has been in Apple's knowledge base for years, it is public, and the reader should be aware of it before the fact.
"I'm sorry. You just voided your warranty, and your AppleCare.
"Ounce of prevention..."
Hi Kurt,
Right you are. Topher Kessler did somewhat obliquely address this point in the MacFixIt article we linked to, noting "While there is no difference in the way the discs are read, the odd shapes will get them stuck in many slot-loading drives seen in MacBooks, MacBook Pros, Mac minis, and iMac systems...."
However, it might have been emphasized more forcefully. Thanks for the link.
Personally, I would never attempt to use a nonstandard CD in my Mac's slot-loader optical drive, but I have an old QPS Fire! tray-loading FireWire CD-Burner that handles nonstandard disks nicely.
iBook: Motorola or Intel CPU?
From Diane:
I have a 2002 700 MHz iBook G3 with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, and I would like to know if this particular laptop has a Motorola or an Intel processor?
Thank you for any information.
Hello Diane,
The answer to your question is "neither". Your iBook actually has an IBM PowerPC G3 750FX processor, but I think what you probably really wanted to know was whether it is Intel or not - the answer is "not".
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Charles Moore has been a freelance journalist since 1987 and began writing for Mac websites in May 1998. His The Road Warrior column was a regular feature on MacOpinion, he is news editor at and a columnist at If you find his articles helpful, please consider making a donation to his tip jar.
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- Mac of the Day: Digital Audio Power Mac G4, introduced 2001.01.09. 466-733 MHz processors, 133 MHz system bus, 4 PCI slots, first SuperDrive.
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