Low End Mac Editorial Archive
May 2008
- Apple lost the PC war, but Microsoft is losing the post-PC war, Frank Fox, Stop the Noiz, 05.30. Windows won the operating system war, but Microsoft is losing browser share and has fallen behind Apple in media players and smartphones.
- Original iPhone still rocks, broadband speed for 3G iPhone?, solar power iPod, and more, iNews Review, 05.30. Also traveling with an iPhone instead of a laptop, missing link between OS X and mobile phones, an iPhone dummy for display, and more.
- Fast drives mean fast Macs, 256 MB SSD, 16:9 ratio notebook screens the new norm, and more, The 'Book Review, 05.30. Also Centrino 2 delayed, traveling with a MacBook Air, time for notebooks to drop internal optical drives, how to right click with a trackpad, bargain 'Books from $279 to $2,699, and more.
- Mac OS X 10.5.3, $30 Leopard or iLife, copyright police threaten iPods, and more, Mac News Review, 05.30. Also things we miss from OS 9, the new clone wars, aluminum keyboard loses its luster, Apple USB modem problems, SuperDrives from $32, and more.
- Low End Mac's Compleat Guide to the Kanga PowerBook, Charles W Moore, 'Book Value, 05.29. The first G3 PowerBook was the world's fastest laptop computer when it was released - and 2.5x as fast as the PowerBook 3400 that it replaced.
- Mac value comes from productivity and MacBook integrated graphics debated, Frank Fox, Stop the Noiz, 05.29. There are cheaper PC notebooks, but the Mac gains its value from increased productivity. Also whether onboard Intel graphics on the MacBook is inadequate.
- Old Macs last and last, removing Mac OS 9, and disposable notebooks, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.29. Reliable Macs just keep on truckin', removing OS 9 from your OS X Mac, and thoughts on 'disposable' laptop computers.
- My 4 favorite PowerBooks, Carl Nygren, My Turn, 05.28. The PowerBook 150 has a big screen for a vintage PowerBook, the 165c has color, the 100 is diminutive, and Lombard has USB and a great keyboard.
- Tools for getting your vinyl records into iTunes, John Hatchett, Recycled Computing, 05.28. The old LPs longed to be played, but how do you use your old record player with your Mac?
- Netscape 7 for OS 9, Compact Flash faster than hard drive in PB 1400, MacSpeech Dictate, and more, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.28. Also using VNC over a network so two Macs can share one monitor and the VTBook graphics upgrade for Pismo.
- Just write: Why a PowerBook 2400c is my perfect writing machine, Tamara Keel, Digital Fossils, 05.27. The ideal writing tool had to be light, have a good keyboard, not run too hot, easily connect to a network, and minimize distractions from the writing process.
- Pixelmator 1.2 closing the gap with Photoshop Elements 6, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.27. Photoshop Elements 6 has raised the bar for affordable image editing software, and Pixelmator is coming closer to being able to replace it.
- Why Dell and HP do (or don't) beat Mac Pro pricing, Frank Fox, Stop the Noiz, 05.23. Readers weigh in on why the Mac Pro is an even better value - or a worse one.
- Refurb iPhones may contain user data, iPhone vs. BlackBerry Bold, new Napster MP3 store, and more, iNews Review, 05.23. Also AT&T's iPhone insurance, Atom-powered Newton iPhone rumor, Vista on the iPhone?, spare power for iPhone and iPods, wireless speakers from Logitech, and much more.
- MacBook holds its own against Dell and HP notebook pricing, Frank Fox, Stop the Noiz, 05.23. Comparing specs and prices, the MacBook also trounces Sony, but the MacBook Pro is another story altogether.
- Psystar software updates, Apple rules $1,000+ PC market, myths about Macs, and more, Mac News Review, 05.23. Also potholes when switching from Windows, good Spotlight queries, ejecting stubborn disks, Fedora Core 6 for Intel Macs, and 2 new Take Control volumes.
- WiMax likely, Apple not green enough, next MacBook in Q3, Cool Feet for notebooks, and more, The 'Book Review, 05.23. LED backlighting in all MacBooks in 2009, cooling hot laptops, OLPC plans second gen XO laptop, universal Apple notebook battery charger, slim external third-party SuperDrive, bargain 'Books from $279 to $2,699, and more.
- The Mac 512K and Microsoft Word changed my life, TR Kelley, My First Mac, 05.22. For a writer with a manual Royal typewriter, Word on the Macintosh truly was a life-changing experience.
- 3 reasons to run virtualized Linux, Keith Winston, Linux to Mac, 05.22. Reasons to run Linux under virtualization include duplicating your development environment, X11 programs that don't work well in OS X, and exploring different GUI concepts.
- Microsoft Word for Mac version history, Dan Knight, Mac Software Guide, 05.22. A historical overview of Microsoft Word for Mac.
- Upgraded Quadra a great server for vintage Mac networking, Carl Nygren, My Turn, 05.21. The compact Quadra 610 runs quietly, and with a PowerPC upgrade, it rockets past regular 68040 Macs.
- Slow Leopard video, G3 iMac to the max, Flash Player 10 Beta improves YouTube, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.21. Also how to eject a disc that won't mount, notebooks no longer need optical drives, a new key on Apple's USB keyboard, WEP problems with Orinoco Gold, and Microsoft Office on Macs.
- 1 display with 2 Macs, flash memory for file transfer, Quicksilver or TigerLaunch?, and more, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.21. Also running a PowerBook 1400 from Compact Flash, format=flowed for email, and OS 9 nice for browsing without Flash.
- Slot loading iMacs: The SE/30 for a new generation, Tamara Keel, Digital Fossils, 05.20. They're relatively small, pretty quiet, reliable, can run Tiger, and are very affordable nowadays.
- SheepShaver brings Classic Mac OS to Intel Macs and Leopard, Alan Zisman, Mac2Windows, 05.20. Mac OS X 10.5 doesn't support Classic Mode. Neither does Leopard. But SheepShaver lets you emulate a PowerPC Mac and run the Classic Mac OS.
- Low End Mac's Compleat Guide to the Pismo PowerBook, Charles W Moore, 'Book Value, 05.20. The first PowerBook with FireWire and AirPort support, Pismo had a great keyboard and lots of connection and expansion options.
- Virtual PC works with Leopard, Intel vs. PowerPC performance, beyond the Mac mini, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.20. Also upgrading Intel iMacs, Compact Flash in a PowerBook 2400, and thoughts on low-end Macs.
- The roots of Apple's retail stores, Tom Hormby, Orchard, 05.19. A big problem for Apple in the late 90s was indifferent big box retailers. Apple's "store within a store" in CompUSA was just the beginning.
- Charles Moore's top 10 freeware list for Mac OS X, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.19. Top choices in free browsers, text editors, image editors, search utilities, system maintenance, and more.
- My first iMac, Carl Nygren, My First Mac, 05.19. There were a couple of Bondi blue iMacs in school that weren't even plugged in. Intriguing....
- AirPort Base Stations rock, Sawtooth upgrades, when Leopard is not the way to go, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.19. Also running PowerBooks from Compact Flash and getting Leopard on Macs with PCI graphics.
- Mac Pro beats HP and Dell at their own game: Price, Frank Fox, Stop the Noiz, 05.16. Whether comparing the top-end or low-end of Mac Pro options, comparable models from Dell and HP cost more.
- Open source virtualization for Macs, iMac shutdowns, Psystar reviews, and more, Mac News Review, 05.16. Also aluminum iMac USB power concerns, Penryn iMac twice as powerful as fastest G5 iMac, Radeon vs. GeForce in top-end iMac, Odysseus email client in beta, and more.
- Limited USB bus power in Santa Rosa Macs, 1 TB in your 'Book, MacBook cooler, and more, The 'Book Review, 05.16. Also Hitachi first to market with 320 GB 7200 rpm notebook drive, Apple to refund for sparking power adapters, interoffice style sleevecases, 10 hour external MacBook Air battery, bargain 'Books from $150 to $2,699, and more.
- BlackBerry's bold challenge to iPhone, Zune sales still flat, 3G iPhone launch nigh, and more, iNews Review, 05.16. Also a new Google Reader for the iPhone, an iPod-based supercomputer, remote Mac access from iPhone and iPod touch, new cases, and much more.
- Beyond the Mac mini, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 05.15. What if Apple were to think different and eliminate the built-in optical drive, cut $100 from the price, and offer an expansion chassis?
- Leopard is the way to go, even on most old G4 Macs, Carl Nygren, My Turn, 05.14. The useful and just cool features in Mac OS X 10.5 make this the biggest step forward in the history of the Mac OS.
- Windows on Macs: Three paths for integration, Jason Packer, Macs in the Enterprise, 05.14. Mac users have three routes for running Windows apps: Run Windows using Boot Camp or virtualization, or use a compatibility layer such as WINE.
- Up-to-date or low-end, we need technology in our schools, John Hatchett, Recycled Computing, 05.14. Modern computers are great educational tools, but sometimes less distracting options (like no Internet) make more sense.
- Mac OS 9 still nice, anticipating Odysseus, PowerBook 1400 upgrades, and more, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.14. Also rebuilding PowerBook batteries, FastMac vs. NuPower replacement batteries, and only one G4 upgrade left for WallStreet PowerBooks.
- 10 cult Macs adored by collectors, Tamara Keel, Digital Fossils, 05.13. Macs are not only noted for their longevity, but also by the passion which collectors have for some of the most interesting models ever made.
- Low End Mac's Compleat Guide to the Lombard PowerBook G3, Charles W Moore, 'Book Value, 05.13. With the Lombard PowerBook, Apple abandoned the legacy ADB and serial ports for USB, trimmed 20% from WallStreet's weight, and hit 400 MHz.
- Low End Mac's Compleat Guide to Mac OS 9, 2008 edition, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.12. Mac OS 9 remains fast and stable, but Classic software hasn't kept up with the changing internet. Which Macs support OS 9, where to buy it, and how to update to 9.2.2.
- Free Time Machine Editor does one thing and does it well, Alan Zisman, Zis Mac, 05.12. If Time Machine's habit of backing up every hour is impacting your work flow, this free utility gives you control options that Apple didn't build into Time Machine.
- From Mac tinkerer to full time Mac user, Mike Tessitore, My Turn, 05.12. It started with buying old Macs on eBay and tinkering with them. But when the Windows PC died, the author learned that Macs could do everything he needed.
- Value of old Power Macs, old computers in school, Panther or Tiger on Pismo, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.12. Also new 20" Penry iMac vs. 24" Santa Rosa and great results with a low-cost external SuperDrive.
- 140 million copies of Vista sold (yawn), Frank Fox, Stop the Noiz, 05.09. It sounds like a lot, but over 85% of Windows users are staying away from Vista. 20% of Mac users have embraced Leopard in one-third the time.
- Apple's eMate still a great tool in the classroom, Tommy Thomas, Welcome to Macintosh, 05.09. How one teacher equipped his classroom with eMates with his own money - and plans to keep using them as long as possible.
- More G4 upgrade advice, secure disk wipes, 500 MHz iMacs with Tiger in action, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.09. The importance of securely clearing your hard drive before you pass on your Mac, Pismo and closed lid mode, G3 iMacs in the classroom, and more thoughts on upgrading G4 Power Macs.
- Apple tops in tech support, Penryn iMacs and Psystar Open Computer reviewed, and more, Mac News Review, 05.09. Also the iMac philosophy, OpenOffice 3.0 going Mac, MozyHome backup comes to Macs, weather in the Dock, and more.
- MacBook sales explode, MacBook Air reviews, several new hard drives, and more, The 'Book Review, 05.09. Also silver-zinc batteries may outlast lithium-ion, Bell Aliant bundling MacBook with Internet access, notebook drives benchmarked, bargain 'Books from $150 to $2,699, and more.
- $199 iPhone coming?, iPod not a Walkman, crosswalk danger, iPods taking over cars, and more, iNews Review, 05.09. Also the iPhone is a second-rate phone, iPhone 2.0 may introduce handwriting recognition, Kensington battery pack and chargers, new iPhone apps, and more.
- Boomerang: The Blue and White Power Mac G3 that kept coming back, Charles Webb, The Webb Chronicles, 05.08. Over its nine-year lifespan, this Power Mac had at least five owners before it finally gave up the ghost.
- Why one Mac user chose BlackBerry over iPhone, Andrew J Fishkin, Best Tools for the Job, 05.08. The advantages of OS X, Safari, Mail, and iSync don't outweigh the familiarity of BlackBerry, its excellent software, easily replaceable batteries, and a camera-free option.
- 500 MHz iMac with Panther great for Internet, watching video, and more, Carl Nygren, My Turn, 05.08. At $65 with upgraded RAM and a bigger hard drive, it was too good to pass up, and it works very nicely with Mac OS X 10.3.
- Xserve: Power and value in a 1U server, Jason Packer, Macs in the Enterprise, 05.07. Often overlooked, Apple's Xserve is powerful, flexible, and anything but overpriced, making it perfect for the enterprise.
- Dinosaur desktops, lid closed mode, G4 upgrade advice, death of a WallStreet, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.07. The greening of Apple, benefits of WiFi cards that use AirPort drivers, deleting files from a Performa, drive enclosures, and Leopard on a 466 MHz Power Mac.
- Pismo battery and screen problems, Zip vs. hard drive for backup, and MacBook Air packaging, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.07. Diagnosing battery problems and a fuzzy screen on a Pismo, backup options for Power Macs, and the small size of the MacBook Air's packaging.
- Perfect timing: The iMac's introduction in May 1998, Tamara Keel, Digital Fossils, 05.06. Apple was in dire straits in 1997, but Steve Jobs had a vision for an Internet Macintosh. 10 years ago he unveiled the iMac.
- Where's the best MacBook value: Top, bottom, or middle?, Charles W Moore, 'Book Value, 04.29. When it comes to MacBook and MacBook Pro value, the top-end model is usually the worst value, but which model holds the sweet spot?
- Pros and cons of using Linux on a WallStreet PowerBook, Larry Stotler, Linux on the Low End, 05.06. The old PowerBook G3 Series notebooks aren't without a few quirks when running openSUSE Linux, but for the most part they are good performers.
- Prosumer Mac suggestions, bring back the 12" 'Book, Pismo displays, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.06. Readers offer more thoughts on a midrange Mac, the need for a new 12" 'Book, using F-keys as F-keys in OS X, and lid closed video mode for Pismo.
- Fossil WallStreet PowerBook G3 still useful after 10 years, Tamara Keel, Digital Fossils, 05.05. The PowerBook G3 Series had a magnificent keyboard, supports two long-life batteries, and runs the Classic Mac OS with aplomb. It's great for writing writing, email, and even surfing the Web.
- Maxed out WallStreet runs Tiger quite nicely, Brian Deuel, My Turn, 05.05. It's no speed demon, but with a 300 MHz CPU, 512 MB of RAM, and a newer hard drive, it's a cheap way to have a notebook Mac.
- Low End Mac's Compleat Guide to the WallStreet PowerBook G3, Charles W Moore, 'Book Value, 05.05. Introduced 10 years ago, the PowerBook G3 had a whole new design, a faster system bus, 2 expansion bays, 2 PC Card slots, and plenty of options.
- 50% Mac sales growth is only the beginning, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 05.02. Apple has a great line of computers and an awesome operating system, but a prosumer model could make last quarter's growth seem normal.
- The greatest comeback, Tommy Thomas, Welcome to Macintosh, 05.02. Apple's comeback 10 years ago pales in the face of surviving stage 4 cancer.
- Mac growth 4x PC rate, USB power famine, Montevina chips not in new iMacs, and more, Mac News Review, 05.02. Also reducing energy waste from peripherals, fixing the Mac's shortcomings, Open Computer shipping and reviewed, why Apple bought PA Semi, 5x the range for Time Capsule, Mac gaming mouse, and more.
- MacBook Air overheating, MacBook Pro vertical striping, flash vs. hard drive, and more, The 'Book Review, 05.02. Also the 2008 econo-Mac stimulus plan, MacBook Air 'most attractive laptop ever', low latency RAM put to the test, combo notebook/monitor stand, bargain 'Books from $150 to $2,699, and more.
- iPhone a bandwidth hog, 3G iPhone rumors, Rogers to bring iPhone to Canada someday, and more, iNews Review, 05.02. Also PA Semi deal won't change iPhone for some time, new iPhone and iPod nano cases, remote with FM radio for iPod and iPhone, and more.
- Vista just one reason for growing Mac market share, Frank Fox, Stop the Noiz, 05.01. With 200 million PC owners replacing their computers this year, Apple has a real opportunity to increase its growth rate.
- Macintosh peace of mind, PA Semi and the iPhone, $40 802.11g PCI card, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.01. Also Power Mac vs. Mac mini, more on DVD User Op Patch, 12" vs. 14" iBook, and VGA for a Power Mac 6100.
- Troubleshooting Eudora, backing up a Beige G3, and why Macs are green, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.01. Problems getting help with Eudora, backup options for a Power Mac G3, and how the long-term usefulness of Macs makes them environmentally friendly computers.
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