Dan Knight - 2002.03.26
Welcome to the second Rest of the Mac Web (RotMW) survey. This twice-a-year survey gives you the opportunity to rate Mac sites you're familiar with - in this case, the sites that didn't make our most recent Best of the Mac Web survey. (We had to draw the line somewhere, and 50 sites seemed like a good place to do it.)
We limit both the Best of the Mac Web (BotMW) survey and the RotMW survey to 50 sites. We started this list with sites that were on BotMW survey #2 but removed in #3 (we reduced the number of sites listed from 56 to 50 and moved most of the sites ranked below 40 to the RotMW survey while promoting some sites from the last "Rest" survey to the latest "Best" list) and sites listed in the previous RotMW survey. We weeded out the dead sites, added some new ones to the mix, and made some last minute changes due to sites missing in action.
Note that these surveys are far from exhaustive; there are hundreds of Mac-related sites on the Web. We're not covering half of them between both polls.
We're providing links to each of the sites so you can visit them. However, we ask that you only rate sites you were familiar with before coming to the survey. If any of the "new to you" sites become personal favorites, you'll have the opportunity to rate them next time around. (And don't try to stuff the ballot box. One user, one vote.)
We have tried to contact the publisher or webmaster of each site listed, giving them the opportunity to add a link to the survey and have the opinions of their visitors counted. We do this to minimize bias by giving every site a chance to link, even those that dismiss our methodology and the validity of your opinions.
Yes, this is a bit of a popularity contest, but mostly we want to know what you think. This is an opinion survey, and I believe that it will fairly reflect what Mac users think of the listed sites when all the votes have been tallied.
Bite.org was on our first BotMW survey, but it was dropped from this survey. The site used to be humorous, but nowadays it's simply vulgar. The site was also missing in action when we attempted to verify links on Monday, March 25. MacGamez.com has been on hiatus for several months, so it has also been dropped from the current survey.
AppleGossip has been down for a month or so, and because of this it is not included in the current survey. MacMonkey and MacHome were inaccessible when we attempted to verify links, so they are not included in this survey. We'll try these sites again this Fall.
Here are the sites in this Rest of the Mac Web survey (the link will open into a new window, making it easy to come back here or to look at the site while taking the survey).
Because we ask voters to only rate sites you are familiar with, the Rest of the Mac Web survey measures how well known a site is and what those who know the site think of it. Click here to participate in the survey.
If you want to, you can go back and take the survey a second time; this will wipe out the results of your earlier vote.
We'll be collecting your votes through Tuesday, April 9, 2002. I'll spend some time analyzing the results and hope to publish our findings by on April 11 or 12.