Lite Side Archive, 2001-2004
- Florida Community Votes to Go
Metric, Jeff Adkins, 2004.12.23. "...the council eventually
decided to restrict all city purchases to materiel which is marked
primarily in the metric form of measurement."
- You Might Be a Mac Fanatic If,
Jeff Adkins, 2004.12.20. Dozens of indicators that you just might
be a Mac fanatic.
- Analogies to Help Pundits
Comprehend the Difference Between Macs and Windows, Jeff
Adkins, 2004.12.16. "...we're about to do our civic duty in
providing analogies to help you understand the difference between
the Mac OS and Windows."
- How to Dream Up Your Own Apple
Rumor, Jeff Adkins, 2004.12.13. 'The best time to make up a Mac
rumor is when you've been up all night surfing the Web looking at
tech sites.'
- Concise Summary of the Current
Morass of Spyware, Worms, Viruses, and Popups Plaguing Windows,
Jeff Adkins, 2004.11.24. Windows users, the solution is exactly
what Mac users have been telling you for years.
- Microsoft Follows Apple's Lead,
Splits into Two Divisions, Jeff Adkins, 2004.06.16.
"...apparently inspired by the example recently set by Apple
Computer, Microsoft (MSFT) has announced it will split the software
giant's operations into two divisions."
- iPod, Therefore iAm,
René Descartes and Jeff Adkins, 2004.06.07. "...I judged
that I might take it as a general rule that the things which we
hear very clearly and very distinctly are all true, and that the
only difficulty lies in the way of discerning which those things
are that we hear distinctly."
- Tigger (Mac OS X 10.4) Announced,
Disney Lawyers on Alert, Jeff Adkins, 2004.05.12. First
predicted by The Lite Side two years ago, Apple has promised to
name the next version of OS X Tigger.
- The Distinctive Smell of a New
Mac, Jeff Adkins, 2004.05.04. "It is a little bit of plastic
bag with a hint of lindenberry followed by a rush of
- GarageBand Causes Collapse of
Music Industry, Jeff Adkins, 2004.04.27. With GarageBand, you
don't even have to have rhythm to create your own beautiful music
on a Mac.
- Things We've Learned from
eBay, Jeff and Lori Adkins, 2004.04.20. "The UPS guy's name is
Chuck. He has two kids, one of whom is on the swim team. His wife
sells recipe books on eBay. They have a dog but it is smaller than
- Why Apple Really Is Doomed:
Thoughts on Earning a Death Knell Citation, Jeff Adkins,
2004.04.12. After reading through some of the Mac Observer's Death
Knell citations, I came to the conclusion that I gotta get one of
these for myself.
- One Free iTune from Pepsi, but
Which One to Choose?, Jeff Adkins, 2004.03.31. Winning one of
the 100 million free songs raises the big question - which one do
you want from the iTunes Music Store?
- Apple to Buy Window Sucking
Effects from Pixar, Jeff Adkins, 2004.03.17. Tired of the
way OS X sucks windows to the dock? Then you're going to love
iSuck™ technology in 10.4!
- Jobs Defends Apple's Use of
M&Ms in "Taste and Feel" Suit, Jeff Adkins, 2004.03.03.
"Confectioner M&M sued Apple Computer recently over
unauthorized removal of green-colored M&Ms in the corporate
welcome candy dish at Apple headquarters."
- Badtimes Virus Warning,
2004.02.25. This is one nasty virus guaranteed to give anyone who
runs is some very bad times indeed.
- Guide to iPod mini Lingo, Jeff
Adkins, 2004.02.18. New terms iPod mini users can use to feel part
of the hip crowd.
- Mac Nearly Old Enough to Start
Drinking, Jeff Adkins, 2004.02.12. "The Macs we interviewed for
this article were all envious of the older machine's pending 21st
birthday - but also wise enough to appreciate their
- Great Mistakes of 2004, Jeff
Adkins, 2004.02.02. A humorous look at the mistakes Apple, Dell,
Microsoft, and others may make this year.
- The miniPod and the HiPod,
Jeff Adkins, 2004.01.26. Both Apple and HP blew it when it came to
naming their new products. Apple's should be the miniPod, and HP's
the HiPod.
- Apple Announces Unexpected
Partnerships, Jeff Adkins, 2004.01.19. Pepsi and H-P were only
the beginning. Plans include Campbell's, CarQuest,, Fox
TV, and even Apple itself.
- Apple's Unveils iMusic Threat
Index, Jeff Adkins, 2004.01.14. Apple's early warning system
analyzes threat to iPod and iTunes Music Store, reports threat
using color code.
- Terahertz Macs, Massively Parallel
Macs, Power iPods, and Other Macworld Rumors, Jeff Adkins,
2003.12.23. Leading rumor mongers unable to agree what Apple may or
may not unveil at Macworld 2004 in January.
- The Lite Side Book, Jeff
Adkins, 2003.12.17. The Best of the Lite Side - or Are They the
Worst of the Lite Side?
- Mac Evangelistas: Not Dead
Yet, Jeff Adkins, 2003.12.10. Ten reasons Apple still needs Mac
evangelists to fight the good fight.
- Apple Introduces KiloMac, World's
Largest Computer, Jeff Adkins, 2003.12.02. Based on the flat
panel iMac design, the new KiloMac has a 1000 inch display.
- Ideas for Truly Desperate Out of
Work Programmers, Jeff Adkins, 2003.11.21. Ten ways unemployed
programmers could use their skills and make a buck instead of just
griping about outsourcing.
- Assault with a Deadly Weapun,
Jeff Adkins, 11.11. How one computer user nearly killed his pointy
haired boss with a keyboard.
- Smart Aleck Comebacks for Anti-Mac
Comments, Jeff Adkins, 2003.11.06. Be prepared for the next
time a Windows user tries to zing you for using a Mac.
- The Little Mac That Could,
Jeff Adkins, 2003.10.28. "Ever wonder what kind of bedtime stories
Mac fanatics tell their kids at bedtime?"
- Notes for Windows Users Who Want
to Hate iTunes, Jeff Adkins, 2003.10.21. "To help out those
poor Windows users who can't find anything to hate in iTunes, I
thought I'd offer up my own list of stuff they can adopt in their
scathing reviews...."
- What Parts to Keep When Your Mac
Dies, Jeff Adkins, 2003.10.14. Don't just throw out your old
Mac, monitor, or printer - salvage and store as many parts as
possible. Here's how.
- Sniglets for the Mac, Jeff
Adkins, 2003.10.07. Floppistation, blue screen of debt,
frammistand, and other words and phrases that should be in the Mac
- 30 More Things Users Want to See
Fixed in OS X, Jeff Adkins, 2003.09.30. Over two dozen
suggestions for improving OS X - or just fixing things that are
- FoxnewS loses abilitY to
capiTaLize, Use Letter 'S' CorrectLy, Jeff Adkins, 2003.09.23.
Fox News' coverage of Apple vs. Apple "symptomatic of Fox News'
obsession with bashing anything liberal."
- 10 Things I'd Like to See Fixed in OS
X, Jeff Adkins, 2003.09.16. "New features are nice, but what
about those little annoyances that just really get on our
- Mac Virus Writers Return from
Extended Cruise, Jeff Adkins, 2003.09.09. "Earlier that day I
received a mysterious phone call at my tech support hotline that
said every computer at Snodgrass had been infected and needed to be
fixed ASAP."
- Extinction of the Hacker, Jeff
Adkins, 2003.08.26. " the year 2004, a company called
Microsoft finally succeeded in deliberately - yes, deliberately -
eliminating the hacker species from our planet."
- How to Protect Macs and Windows
PCs from the MSBlaster Worm, Jeff Adkins, 2003.08.19. Better
late than never, here's how to remove any vestiges of MSBlaster
from your computer.
- Switchback Virus Infects Macs,
Nobody Notices, Anne Onymus, 08.13. "With the latest Window
worm on the rampage, nobody but the Lite Side staff has even
noticed Switchback."
- The Only Way to Save Apple Is to
Kill the Mac, Jeff Adkins, 2003.08.12. Why the best way to
overcome the Mac Myths is to stop calling Apple's computers
- Steve Jobs, Patron Saint of
Hopeless Causes That Succeed, Jeff Adkins, 2003.08.05. Steve
Jobs can already be credited with at least three miracles during
the past 30 years."
- MacSurfer Stuck in Infinite
Loop, Jeff Adkins, 2003.07.29. Spate of recursive links - no
end in site.
- Weird Headlines Around the
Web, Jeff Adkins, 2003.07.22. Trustworthy warmaking, Kobe
Bryant, Windows XP, BMW, the 'Gruel' worm outbreak, and other
bizarre news stories.
- Guide to Insecure Computing, Dan
Knight, 2003.07.11. Helping Windows users understand how insecure
their platform really is.
- Future Apple and IBM Cooling
Strategies, Jeff Adkins, 2003.07.08. "Okay, you've been waiting
in helpless anticipation for people to start ridiculing the new
G5's collection of fans - what are there, 20 fans or something
inside the case?"
- Benchmarks to Convince Pundits
That Macs Are Faster, Jeff Adkins, 2003.07.01. If they don't
want to believe Apple's demonstrations or the independent lab
reports, here are some tests that just might convince the PC
experts how fast the G5 really is.
- The Windows User's Guide to
Talking with a Mac User, Jeff Adkins, 2003.06.24. How to ask a
Mac user for help without setting off an anti-Microsoft
- Netscape, IE Mac Die in Triple
Suicide Attempt, Jeff Adkins, 2003.06.19. Netscape, IE Mac, and
IE Windows, all despondent over their future, made a pact to commit
suicide together.
- How I Plan to Spend My Microsoft
Windows Windfall, Jeff Adkins, 2003.06.17. Ten ways schools can
spend their Microsoft money without buying Windows software - er,
make that nine.
- End Vendor License Agreement,
Jeff Adkins, 2003.06.10. The Lite Side's answer to End User License
Agreements - the consumer friendly End Vendor License
- Netscape Memorial Service
Invitation, Jeff Adkins, 2003.06.03. Microsoft sponsors
memorial service for the latest casualty of the browser wars and
Redmondonian monopolistic practices.
- Microsoft Executive Steps Down
After Embarrassing Gaffe, Jeff Adkins, 2003.05.27. Response to
offhand remarks about feature appropriation, suing competition
compel Ballmer to abdicate.
- Writer Boycotts Own Work, Jeff
Adkins, 2003.05.20. After reading his own writings, Lite Side
columnist is convinced it's just so much tripe.
- Niners to Xers: Apple's Switch Campaign
for Mac Users, Jeff Adkins, 2003.05.13. Apple to provide
financial incentives to longtime Mac users, disincentives to those
wed to ancient Mac OS.
- Future Advertising Blunders by
Microsoft, Jeff Adkins, 2003.05.06. After the "butterfly
backfire" and "fake switcher," what will the folks in Redmond come
up with next?
- Guide to Classic Mac Error
Numbers, Jeff Adkins, 2003.04.29. Ever wonder what a "Type 3"
error is or what causes it? Don't expect any helpful answers
- The Global Gander, Jeff
Adkins, 2003.04.22. Pigs fly, Macs suck, 'Pod people prowl, and
- Microsoftopoly, Jeff Adkins,
2003.04.17. Microsoft's version of the monopoly game is only about
one thing - taking it all.
- Microsoft Buys Ambrosia, Plans
Zbox, Jeff Adkins, 2003.04.15. Microsoft "very excited" to
bring Terminal Velocity games to PCs and new Zbox handheld gaming
- Code Names Beyond Panther,
Jeff Adkins, 2003.04.08. Apple to continue cat-related OS X
revision code names for next decade and beyond.
- Apple-Microsoft Cold War Turns
Hot, Jeff Adkins, 2003.03.11. Situation quickly escalates as
one-time partners take off the gloves and go for the jugular.
- Unwired News: "Meander" Kahney
Reveals Cult of Mac Journalists, Jeff Adkins, 2003.03.04. Large
and growing cult composed of journalists who write favorably about
the Mac - and some even use Macs.
- Seven Customized Browsers Reshape
the Web Experience, Jeff Adkins, 2003.02.25. No need to let IE,
Netscape, Safari, iCab, or Opera control things. These new programs
provide real alternatives to today's staid browsers.
- Dell Dude Like Busted, Jeff
Adkins, 2003.02.18. The headlines, the ad opportunities - the
possibilities are nearly endless....
- Future Advertising Blunders by
Microsoft, Jeff Adkins, 2003.02.11. Ten more ad blunders just
waiting for Microsoft to steal - er, innovate - them.
- Guide to Overused and Abused Apple
Metaphors, Jeff Adkins, 2003.02.04. Byte of the Apple, bobbing
for Apple, Applesauce, and other metaphors you've probably heard
too many times already.
- Apple's Market Share Drops to
One, Jeff Adkins, 2003.01.28. Apple pulls out of consumer
market, shifts focus to highest-end consumers, boosts profits.
- Judge Uses Dell Model for
Sentencing, Jeff Adkins, 2003.01.21. With Dell using prison
labor, judge decides to sentence criminals to refurbish old Windows
- Top 10 Internet Annoyances,
Jeff Adkins, 2003.01.14. Blogs, pop-somewhere ads, chat room
spelling, Microsoft innovation, buzzwords, causes, and other
annoying silliness on the Web and elsewhere.
- Still Yet Even More New Bumper
Snickers, Jeff Adkins, 2003.01.07. Nine more bumper snickers
guaranteed to offend somebody somewhere somehow.
- Predictions for the Macworld
Expo, Jeff Adkins, 2003.01.03. Ten unexpected announcements
Steve Jobs just might make during next Tuesday's keynote address -
- Windows in a Sewing Machine,
Jeff Adkins and David Deckert, 2002.12.31. From the umbelievable
but true department: A sewing machine that runs Microsoft
- Universal Customizable Mac Configuration
Order Form, Jeff Adkins, 2002.12.24. Apple doesn't offer the
configuration you want? This order form should solve all your
- How to Write for Your Weblog,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.12.17. You can't just publish a weblog. You have
to know the right way to write it. Here's all the help you
- What to Do with the Unemployed
Gateway Cow, Jeff Adkins, 2002.12.10. Ten suggestions for
putting the retired Gateway cow to some good use.
- Categories of Switchers, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.12.03. How an electrical engineer might classify the
various types of Mac switchers.
- Response the West Africa Spam,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.11.26. Dear Mr. Dickson, my thoughts on helping
your client move his $20 million.
- Apple Plans Strategic Retreat from
OS 9, Jeff Adkins, 2002.11.19. The plan goes way beyond simply
preventing 2003 Macs from booting into Mac OS 9.
- Bush Speaks on Microsoft
Settlement Restrictions, Patrick McCloskey, My Turn,
2002.11.12. President Bush makes it clear that Bill Gates "must
fully disclose and destroy his proprietary software of mass
- The Parallel Universes of Mac
Users and Star Trek Fans, Jeff Adkins, 2002.11.12. "You've all
thought it at one time or another. Mac geeks and Trekkers have
things in common."
- Unsolved Mysteries of the
Internet, Jeff Adkins, 2002.11.05. "What anti-spam software do
people who send spam use?"
- Still Yet Even More Rejected
Switcher Ads, Jeff Adkins, 2002.10.29. More letters to Apple
Computer from those who want to be in 'Switch' ads.
- Beleaguered IDG Bans Mac Maker
from Macworld, Jeff Adkins, 2002.10.22. Boston wins three year
contract for Macworld Expo, but now Apple doesn't want to come.
- Confessions of a Mac to PC
Convert, not by Valerie G. Mallinson, 2002.10.15. This isn't
quite the version Microsoft had posted on their site - must have
been an early draft.
- Faster Isn't Always Better,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.10.15. Apple's iMac vs. Gateway's Profile 4 -
some things are more important than flat out speed.
- Mac Myths and Urban Legends,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.10.08. Which Mac related myths and urban legends
have a grain of truth - and which are just horse puckey?
- Bumper Stickers for Switchers,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.10.01. If Apple made bumper stickers for
switchers, they might look like these.
- Epic Records Steals Lite Side
Idea, Jeff Adkins, 2002.09.27. "Epic records has implemented a
brute-force copy protection scheme: They're gluing the players
- 10 Reasons to Hate the Gateway
Profile Commercial, Jeff Adkins, 2002.09.24. "Commercial
doesn't show time delay between ordering and getting computer from
Gateway Country Store."
- Interview with Designer of Gateway
Profile 4, Jeff Adkins, 2002.09.17. The Lite Side interviews
Blitz Schmelnick, the man behind the Gateway Profile 4 and the
anti-iMac ads.
- Apple Discloses Entire OS Upgrade
Code-Name Lineup, Jeff Adkins, 2002.09.10. On beyond Jag-wire
and Puma, Apple has a whole series of code names prepared for
future OS X releases.
- Universal All Purpose Mac
Editorial Generator, Jeff Adkins, 2002.09.03. Now you can write
boring repetitive editorials just like the professionals!
- More Rejected Switchers, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.08.27. A dozen more letters and emails recovered from
Apple Computer's dumpster.
- The Apple Clock of Doom, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.08.20. A complex tapestry of paranoid logic so
convoluted, so infused with power and incompetence, you may not
even believe it.
- Apple Sends Cease and Desist to
Itself, Jeff Adkins, 2002.08.08. Letter from Apple legal to
Steve Jobs re: recent events that attempt to destroy good will of
- News Headlines Other Sites
Ignore, Jeff Adkins, 2002.07.30. Headlines you'll never see
linked on the major Mac news services.
- Other Charges Apple Forgot to Tell
You About, Jeff Adkins, 2002.07.23. Debundling the keyboard, an
optical mouse usage fee, charges to visit, and other user
- Southwest to Charge Mac Users
Double, Jeff Adkins, 2002.07.16. After successfully charging
wide passengers for a second seat, Southwest Airlines targets Mac
- Dvorak, PCs, and "Weird"
Switchers, Jeff Adkins, 2002.07.09. Yes, Dvorak is right. Those
people in the "Switch" ads are a bit weird - and there's a good
reason for it.
- Bumper Snickers 3, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.07.02. "If your PC is so great, why do you cuss at it
so much?" and ten more.
- Rejected Reasons to "Switch",
Jeff Adkins, 2002.06.25. Seven "Switch" ads the folks at Apple
thought you definitely shouldn't see.
- If computers were like home
appliances, Jeff Adkins, 2002.06.18. Just be glad your Mac is
nothing like so many of your appliances.
- If Windows Had Windowshades,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.06.11. Isn't it about time Microsoft "borrowed"
windowshades from the Mac? Here's what would happen.
- Expert Implodes Theory That Virus
Scanners Protect Macs, Victor Vendor, 2002.06.04. "Any platform
with a virus scanner is a potential time bomb," says Michael
- Quiz: Are You a Mac-head or PC
Drone?, Jeff Adkins, 2002.05.28. A quick way to determine
whether you're Mac addicted or assimilated by Windows
- Lindows Ruling Has Microsoft
Scrambling to Claim Consonants, Jeff Adkins, 2002.05.20. After
losing the suit over Lindows, Microsoft is making a preemptive
strike by trademarking other *indows variants.
- This Old Mac, Jeff Adkins,
2002.05.14. The crew of This Old Mac is filming John's
renovation of his old computer into a new machine.
- Apple Previews "Jagular", Jeff
Adkins, 2002.05.07. Apple previews "Jagular," the next major
release of Mac OS X hunting assistance software.
- Apple Unveils Vowel-Mac
Strategy, Jeff Adkins, 2002.04.30. Apple's new tactic: A Mac
for every vowel in the alphabet.
- Funny Stuff on the Web, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.04.22. If none of these have you snorting milk out
your nose, it's only because you're not drinking milk while
visiting these sites.
- More Microsoft Blunders, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.04.15. Dead supporters and an anti-Unix site on a Unix
server - that's just the beginning!
- Old Files, Online Fiction, and
Google Searches, Jeff Adkins, 2002.04.09. The oldest file on my
Mac, why I keep them, prehistoric recording, and the things you can
find using Google.
- On Changing Light Bulbs, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.03.27. How many ____ employees does it take to change
a light bulb?
- How To Be a Copyright Pirate,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.03.18. Follow these easy steps to become one of
several types of copyright pirate, matey.
- The Future of Technology, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.03.11. The future of technology is lighter than you
- If Cars Were Like Operating
Systems, Jeff Adkins, 2002.03.04. What if cars were designed
like Windows XP, Mac OS X, and Linux?
- Dude, I Can't Help Myself,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.02.25. In which we once again mercilessly pick on
Steven the sleepy eyed slacker Dell dude.
- More Bumper Snickers, Jeff
Adkins, 2002.02.18. "Dude, I returned my Dell" and other phrases
you might want to put on your bumper, or on a T-shirt, or use as a
- Measuring the Reality Distortion
Field, Jeff Adkins, 2002.02.14. Preliminary analysis of the
Reality Distortion Field indicates strength does not fall off by an
inverse square factor.
- Dellmentia, Unintendonitis, and
X-ema, Jeff Adkins, 2002.02.11. Glossary of new
computer-related medical conditions also includes Torvaldic Shock
Syndrome, Low Enderoids, and Punditrella Syndrome.
- Computer Humor Year in Review,
Jeff Adkins, 2002.02.04. Nothing topped a pie in Bill Gates' face,
but there was a lot to laugh about (and at) in 2001.
- Sibling Rivalry, Jeff Adkins,
2002.02.01. The flat-panel iMac: It makes a pretty good task light,
- Star Trek: A Lost Episode,
author unknown, 2002.01.31. Which will defeat the Borg: Windows
software or Microsoft's lawyers?
- Microsoft Policies Shaped by
Weather, Jeff Adkins, 2002.01.28. Microsoft's business plans
affected by weather, says researcher.
- Microsoft's "Tsunami" Memo: The
Real Text, Jeff Adkins, 2002.01.21. The Lite Site has obtained
the full text of the Microsoft "Tsunami" memo, in which the
Software Architect describes the new strategy his company must
follow in the future.
- Microsoft Loses, Pigs Fly, Hell
Cools, Broderick Sagacious, 2002.01.14. Judge Motz calls
proposed settlement lame, Apple rolls out new hardware and
- Michael 'Mike' "Mick" McMac's Mac
Know-it-all Column #2, Jeff Adkins, 2002.01.07. Worthless
advice on macaroni, RAM, ROM, iMacs, Rage, airport security,
printing from Windows, and more.
- Fixing Peter Jennings' Pain in the
Neck, Broderick Sagacious, 2002.01.03. That graphic on was driving me crazy. Here's how I fixed it.
- Apple Struggles to Discredit
Windows, Anne Onymus, 2002.01.02. Apple memo from 1993 outlines
attack on Windows - strangely reminiscent of 'Microsoft' memo
leaked today.
- Jonathan's First Mac, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.12.31. A three-year-old shares his Mac experience. He
especially likes the trackball.
- FBI on WinXP Security Flaws,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.12.26. National Windows Flaw Management Unit of
the FBI offers advice on securing Windows XP computers.
- Death of a Floppy, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.12.24. This gripping piece of modern American
Techno-Tragedy sees "the Floppy" struggle and fail to maintain his
role in a world of big files.
- Michael 'Mike' "Mick" McMac's Mac
Know-it-all Column, Jeff Adkins, 2001.12.17. Real Mac advice
for real Mac users from a real Mac expert - really.
- Four Top 10 Lists, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.12.11. 10 Dell claims for 2002, 10 tasks Microsoft
must complete, 10 things Steve Jobs won't say at Macworld, and 10
reasons Apple will never take ove the world.
- Microsoft Innovation Leads to New
Sentencing Guidelines, Broderick Sagacious, 2001.12.06. Lawyers
seeking to apply Microsoft settlement terms to broad range of
- At the Genius Bar with Bit and
Byte, Jeff Adkins, 2001.12.03. Just like those car guys on the
radio, Bit and Byte try to solve a user problem with an old
- Titanium Toilet?, Dan Knight,
2001.11.30. Something about the new Macworld cover struck us as
- Best of the PeeCee Web, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.11.26. The unexpected results of PeeCee User's first
ever Best of the PeeCee Web survey.
- What Else Were You XPecting?,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.11.19. "A mole at Microsoft leaked the following
internal memo, apparently an in-house employee newsletter at
- Subversive User Initiatives,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.11.12. Subvert the dominant Windows paradigm with
these helpful hints.
- Life Is Swell, Jeff Adkins,
2001.11.05. A dialogue between three people using two operating
- Why the Mac OS Logo Has Two
Faces, Jeff Adkins, 2001.10.30. What the two faces in the Mac
OS logo are saying to each other.
- iPod and Other Digital Devices for
Pundits, Jeff Adkins, 2001.10.25. Pundit-Proof™ product
Apple should release that pundits won't be able to gripe
- 101 Uses for an Unwanted Dell
Computer, Jeff Adkins, 2001.10.22. 101 innovative uses for the
industry's most innovative brand of computers.
- Other Things Dell Did First,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.10.15. Important Dell firsts - besides the first
portable with integrated wireless networking.
- Cause and Effect: Apple's Stock
Price, Jeff Adkins, 2001.10.08. A humorous guide to why Apple's
stock always drops in value.
- Gaps People Really Care About,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.10.01. Beyond the gender gap - gaps that are
important in the real world.
- Computers for Dimwits, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.09.24. The parts of a computer and what can go inside
- Super Stuck in Pencil Stupor,
Broderick Sagacious, 2001.09.19. Superintendent declares pencils
passé, erasable ink wave of the future.
- The ABC's of Apple, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.09.17. Now I've done Mac ABC's. Next time don't you
buy PCs!
- OS Wars: The Winpire Strikes
Back, Jeff Adkins, 2001.09.10. The Empire has spared no
expense, but can the rebels exploit XP and bring down the entire
Imperial Network?
- Make Windows More Reliable,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.09.04. A foolproof way for Microsoft to
distribute patches and updates - based on the way real Windows
users work.
- Dead People Don't Use Windows,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.08.27. With the dead (or possibly undead)
advocating for Windows, how is Apple to compete?
- First Annual Lite Side Awards,
2001.08.20. The best and worst of the personal computing
- How Different People Think a Computer Works, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.08.10. Different people explain how a computer
- A Very Short Wrap-up and Summary
Macworld Opinion Article Containing Everything You Need to Know
About the Recent Macworld Expo Debacle, Jeff Adkins,
2001.08.01. The shortest Macworld Expo coverage - with the longest
- Universal All Purpose Mac Rumor Generator, Jeff Adkins, 2001.07.30. This handy tool lets anyone
create a Mac rumor in just minutes.
- Very Random Thoughts, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.07.16. Random features I'd like to see in future
operating systems and computers.
- The Meaning of XP, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.07.09. Windows XP - just what does XP stand for?
- Bumper snickers, Jeff Adkins,
2001.07.03. If Mac User's Made Their Own Bumper Stickers....
- Mac User's Guide to Windows,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.06.18. A Mac user's introduction to all those
versions of Windows out there.
- Pentium Threatens Planet, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.06.13. Moore's Law and the laws of physics predict
destruction of earth within 30 years.
- Bill Gates Goes to Heaven,
2001.06.04. Bill Gates dies, goes to Heaven, and has an opportunity
to work in the new computer center....
- Mac Advocate Glossary, Jeff Adkins,
2001.05.29. AtAT, Borg, Evangelista, Macolyte, Reality Distortion
Field, and other terms every Mac user should know.
- If TV Characters Used Real Computers,
Jeff Adkins, 2001.05.25. What computers would the Simpsons and
Seinfeld characters use?
- The New Math, Dan Knight, 2001.05.22.
The real difference between Mac OS X and Microsoft's .NET
- A Day With a Typewriter, Jeff Adkins,
2001.05.18. A computer user's introduction to that most remarkable
device, the typewriter.
- Keep the Mac Off Your Network, Jeff
Adkins, 2001.05.11. A strategy guide for IT directors.
- back to main Lite Side index