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Rest of the Mac Web Survey

December 2001

Dan Knight

Rest of the Mac Web Survey

The Rest of the Mac Web (ROTMW) survey covers 41 independent Mac Web sites not included in the recently completed Best of the Mac Web (BOTMW) survey. Many of these were nominated by those who wondered why they weren't included on the first survey. Some were simply overlooked in the BOTMW survey.

This creates a very diverse list of sites - and it's still far from exhaustive. There are probably another 100 or more independent Mac-related sites out there.

One reason for this survey is to determine which sites should be added to the Spring 2002 Best of the Mac Web survey.

Voting will take place from November 29 through December 9. We'll compile the results on Monday, December 10, and plan to publish them on Tuesday, December 11.

We attempted to contact the publisher or webmaster of the sites listed and give them the opportunity to add a link to the survey and have the opinions of their visitors counted. However, it's hard to find an email contact for some sites, so we may not be able to contact every site.

We encourage publishers to link to the survey specifically so we can poll a broad cross-section of Mac Web visitors. With enough sites sending their visitors, that keeps results from getting spiked by a strong push from a single site.

To some extent, this can't help but be a popularity contest. In fact, that is one of two things we hoped to learn - how well known various sites are. The other is what you, the reader, think of these sites. This is an opinion poll, not a scientific survey.

  1. 3 Macs and a Printer
  2. Apple History
  3. Apple Museum
  4. AppleGossip
  5. Brave New Mac
  6. Complete Conflict Compendium
  7. Creative Mac
  8. Emulation.net
  9. EveryMac
  10. Family-Mac
  11. The iMac NewsPage
  12. The iMac.com
  13. Jag's House
  14. MacDesktops
  15. MacDirectory
  16. MacGamez.com
  17. MacHome
  18. MacMilitia
  19. MacMonkey
  20. Mac Monkies
  21. MacNetv2 Daily
  1. Mac News Info
  2. MacNow
  3. Mac Orchard
  4. Mac OS Planet
  5. Mac OS Zone
  6. Mac OS X Hints
  7. MacOSX.com
  8. MacUnlimited.com
  9. MacUpdate
  10. MacVillage
  11. Macworld
  12. the pickle's Low-End Mac FAQ
  13. PowerBook Central
  14. Railhead Design
  15. RandomMaccess
  16. Should Schools Have Macs or PCs?
  17. SpyMac
  18. Stepwise
  19. System 6 Heaven
  20. Why the Mac is so great.com

Because the survey asks visitors to only rate websites they are familiar with, the Rest of the Mac Web survey measures two things: how well known a site is and what those who know the site think of it. Click here to participate in the survey.

BTW, you can go back and take the survey a second time. This will replace your first ballot.

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